USACO 1.4.1 CryptCow AC!!

All tests OK. Your program (‘cryptcow’) produced all correct answers!  This is yoursubmission #26 for this problem.  Congratulations!   26次…… n多小时…… 终于…… 最后一个最重要的优化:从后往前搜W!! 汗x100!!  最后已经有250行左右了…… 不过有很多注释(就是删掉的代码)

ZJU Feb Contest…

和Hearson、CQX组队参加,结果只AC2道……还有一道,已经差不多了,来不及交另一道,极为郁闷,ZJU的FPC(2.0.1)竟然不能用Opeartor Overload!! 然后改成函数形式,竟然和我说Function Overloading也不能用!! 什么开关!……另,ZJU数学题很多啊…… 需要加强


升级系统之后,XMMS也不能用了…… 启动的时候“Segment Fault”。通过排除法,发现两个插件有问题:xmms-fishmatics 和 xmms-status,删了就好了。之所以发现是插件问题,是因为gdb跟下来,出错的时候,bt结果里面有scan_plugins()和add_plugin(),估计插件问题,果不其然。另,原来APE有for XMMS插件的……

FreeBSD: the great problem of updating from 5.4 to 6.0

There happened few things when I updated FreeBSD from 5.3 to 5.4, 5.2.1 to 5.3, and so on. But when I updated from 5.4 to 6.0, many problems appeared.First, for the version of the libraries has inreased, now there are 2 versions of libraries in my FreeBSD. For instance, and, libstdc++, and so …

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